... what's in a name?
How much thought goes into naming a manuscript?
While I was writing Shameful Girls, it began life as
A State of Longing
… morphing into Better not Tell and then All the Shameful Girls …
and finally Shameful Girls.
Much soul searching, browsing shelves in bookshops, boring everyone I know with persistent questioning into what might work.
So - SHAMEFUL GIRLS it is. Until a publisher offers to take it on and comes up with a far catchier title.
And so … to my second book, just completed and undergoing it’s fourth draft and reading by trusted friend and sisters - beta readers, they’re called.
This manuscript began life as A Murder of Crows. I was reasonably happy with this, even though I knew there were a few Murder of Crows embossed onto the fronts of already published books.
During my first flush of self congratulations, as I wrote THE END, I decided to rename it just plain CROW.
Truth to be told however, there is still work to be done on CROW and who knows what the title for my third book will become?