in the pink ...

Writers write. And they also read …

Anything that comes up on my feed about how to be a better writer - I’m in. Click!

Today, the Guardian ran an article about showing up, loving the process and insider tips on how to write a book.

I congratulated myself as I read wise words from Elizabeth Day, Sara Collins, Sharmaine Lovegrove and Nelle Andrew. Awarded myself a pat on the back that I’d heard of most of the tips. And in fact, like to think I follow them as my usual writing routine.

Sharmaine’s suggestion to think of the reader and not about trends made me think.

I love to write - I do it just about every day. It takes me to a place that’s vibrant and interesting. Away from my sometimes humdrum, groundhog days. Unlike the real world, I have some control over what my characters will do (although sometimes, they just surprise me and take me down entirely unexpected path!)

Most writers say it’s a solitary endeavour.

But what about if I just sat down at my messy desk and told stories for my friends - for Libby and Jenny and Louise and Lisa and Lorraine and Debbie and …

Now … that wouldn’t be so solitary.

View from my desk

Rhonda McCoy