waiting inside the waiting …

Best selling author Fiona McIntosh told 8 eager-beaver wanna-be writers at Mini Masterclass in March of this year, that while writers fall in love with their stories and characters - ‘no-one else cares’.

So - I’ll try not to bore you to snores with too much info about SHAMEFUL GIRLS.

For the writers who may be reading this though, you’ll relate to the hurdles and pitfalls that writers grapple with - the editing and revisions, the many drafts - mine has had eight, the pitches to literary agents and publishers.

Since April this year, I have submitted SHAMEFUL GIRLS to a few publishers and 3 literary agents. To date I’ve received ‘no thanks’ from 2 publishers and 2 agents. The other submissions are sitting somewhere out there in writer land. FYI - I call rejections no thanks - much kinder words for my psyche.

A friend - whose book will be published in June 2022 likens this weird state as waiting inside the waiting.

So - enough about SHAMEFUL GIRLS, unless any of you want more … you can chat through my Contact page.

Rhonda McCoy